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Event Details


Beginner Silk Painting Classes consist of two sessions.

15th and 22nd June 10am to 12pm.

The first covers the different techniques used to paint on silk including the use of specific paints, no flow products, and gutta.

You will try out these techniques on a practice board. No drawing skills are required as pictures will be created at the initial stage with templates.

The second class will concentrate on creating an A4 size silk painting that you will be able to take home and frame or maybe even turn into a cushion.

Silk Painting is an extremely relaxing and creative way to spend a few chilled hours.

With the restrictions there are only 5 places available so please contact Pippa on 9672 2018 to reserve you place.

The total cost for both sessions is S$100, payable in advance.

I will be running a reserve list and if there is sufficient interest I may be able to arrange another set of dates.

Jun 15, 2021

10:00 - 12:00 GMT+8

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