Event Details

The British Association will hold it's Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at Petersons Wine

The elections for the 2024 – 2025 council will take place during the EGM, and we do hope you can join us for a light bite beforehand, it will be a great opportunity to get to know your council and other members.

If you are unable to attend, please register for the event and select a 'Non Attending' ticket. You will then be sent your Proxy Voting Form.

Proxy Voting Forms returned via GlueUp will be accepted by the council and deemed as signed by the member.

If you'd prefer to send the completed form back to us via email, please use the links that were included on the event invite.

Completed forms can be returned to: secretary@britishassociation.org.sg

If you cannot attend in person, please complete your proxy voting form by 20th May 2024.

Meeting Agenda

  1. To approve the Minutes from the 67th Annual General Meeting from March 2023.
  2. To receive and adopt the Chairpersons report from 2023.
  3. To receive and approve the Audited Accounts and Treasurer's Report for 2023
  4. To give council the approval to appoint auditors for 2024.
  5. Elections for Council Members
  6. Questions for Council and Any Other Business.

Any questions for the Council must be submitted in advance to secretary@britishassociation.org.sg by 20th May 2024.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tori on the Secretary email above.

We very much look forward to your attendance.

Kind regards

Paul Loxley

Chair, The British Association of Singapore


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