This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The British Association of Singapore events.

Join us for the Official Opening Ceremony to the Singapore International Jewellery Expo (SIJE) on Thursday, 11th July. The SIJE is Singapore's most prestigious and longest-running jewellery show.

There will be 230 exhibitors from 26 countries and regions and is hosted by Singapore Jewellers Association.

The Opening Ceremony is strictly for special guests and community partners, and is not open to the public. Experience a Runway Fashion Show of the finest jewellery!

There are limited seats so kindly RSVP early to avoid disappointment.

Programme Highlights

10.15- Guests Arrive

10.50- Guests to be Seated

11.00- Welcome Remarks by Organiser

Dr Ilaria Cicero

Chief Executive Officer, IEG Asia Pte. Ltd

11.05- Welcome Remarks by Country Partner

Mr Giorgio Calveri

Trade Commissioner for Singapore and the Philippines Italian Trade Agency

11.10- Welcome Remarks by Country Partner

Mr Dante Brandi Ambassador of Italy

11.15- Welcome Remarks by Local Host

Mr Ho Nai Chuen, BBM President, Singapore Jewellers Association

11.20- Opening Address by Guest-of-Honour Mr Alvin Tan

Minister of State Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth

11.25- Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

11.35- Singapore Jewellery Design Award Prize Presentation by Guest-of-Honour

11.45- SIJE 2024 Runway Fashion Show

12.05- Tour of Exhibition

Sponsors and Partners



Admission to the expo is free, and we are asking for a small donation to support local charities - $10 (members) and $15 (non-members).

Please take note of the following:-

• We are unable to give any refunds on this ticket.

• When buying this ticket, you agree for The BA to submit your name to SIJE as an attendee.


The Singapore International Jewellery Expo (SIJE) is fully organized and hosted by Singapore Jewellers Association, and therefore The British Association of Singapore (The BA) cannot be responsible or be held legally liable for any incidents/accidents that may happen during the course of the event. By registering for this event, it is deemed that you have read, understood and agree to this disclaimer.


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